Students concentrating in Composition will prepare a portfolio of original compositions, write an argument-driven paper 2,500 words or more in lengthÌýand, for their spring semester senior year recital, program notes.

Senior Comprehensive Project Proposal:

You will be emailed a proposal submission link and instructions by October 15, and will submit your proposal by November 15. If your committee requires you to revise your proposal, your updated documents will be due by February 15. Please submit the following:

  1. Senior Comprehensive Analytic Paper Annotated µþ¾±²ú±ô¾±´Ç²µ°ù²¹±è³ó²â:ÌýPlease submit an annotated bibliography that includes ten relevant peer-reviewed scholarly sources that map out the existing literature on your topic. This bibliography should ideally include 2–3 canonical sources that cover a broader background related to your topic, as well as more specific sources relating to your exact argument or methods. Annotations should indicate both the point of view of the author(s), critical evaluation of the source, and the pertinence of the article/chapter/book to your proposed essay. An annotation’s length may range from several sentences to a few paragraphs, depending on the source. These sources should be cited in Chicago style. Submit as a PDF.Ìý
  2. Senior Comprehensive Analytic Paper Bibliography: Please submit a 250-350 word proposal for an argument-driven academic essay that will engage with and contribute to recent and relevant scholarship in the fields of musicology, ethnomusicology, sound studies, and/or music theory. You will need to engage with the ideas of specific authors from your bibliography in your proposal. A central goal of the proposal is to describe the current state of research on this area and articulate how you will do something new that adds to this literature. Your paper must include some musical analysis and you should indicate which repertoire of music will be the focus of your essay. You should propose a project that can be successfully argued within 2,500 words. Submit as a PDF. This paper is completed in MUSC 490.
  3. Project description: A description of the type and amount of music you intend to write (i.e., chamber pieces including instrumentation and projected durations, electronic and film score works with projected durations, etc.), and any other relevant information. Submit as a PDF.
  4. Portfolio: A portfolio of acoustic, electronic, and/or electro-acoustic compositions that you have already completed as part of a class or under the supervision of Music faculty. For acoustic compositions, submit a PDF score and mp3 recording or MIDI mock-up. For electronic and electro-acoustic compositions, submit an audio file or movie file. Students must discuss compositional goals for the recital with their composition teacher no later than the spring semester of the junior year. Practical considerations, such as space and performer requirements, must be included in this planning process. During the senior year, the student and faculty composition teacher(s) will choose compositions in the portfolio, resulting in 25 to 30 minutes of music. Composition recitals must include at least one work for electronic media.Ìý


Senior Comprehensive Project:Ìý

At the beginning of the academic year, the Music Department will establish available dates for Senior Comprehensive recitals. You will be sent a link and directions for digital submission by February 15.

  1. Composition Recital: Students intending to give a composition recital will assemble a portfolio of original compositions with the guidance of one or more Music department faculty members. The portfolio may also contain preliminary sketches and revisions in addition to the final copy of each composition. The portfolio will include works begun or completed in MUSC 148, 257, 258, and independent study courses, and may contain up to two works composed independently. This portfolio must be submitted digitally, with recordings if available, to the faculty along with the senior project proposal.Ìý
  2. Students must begin recruiting performers immediately upon approval of recital repertoire. Composers are invited to for funding to support their Senior Comprehensive recitals (i.e., the hiring of professional musicians). All Occidental student performers must agree to perform without financial compensation.

    NOTE: All applicants are required to first apply for Academic Student Project Grants (ASP grants) in the amount of $300. Read the information about and the application for the ASP grants carefully.

    The student is responsible for completing instrumental and vocal parts no later than five weeks in advance of the recital date. The student is also responsible for scheduling coaching and rehearsal sessions as needed. The student may perform in their own recital, and may choose either to conduct ensemble performances, or to recruit a conductor.
  3. Submission of Materials: At least five days prior to the jury, the student must upload a complete portfolio, including:
    Ìý Ìý Ìýa:Ìýall scores intended for the recital
    Ìý Ìý Ìýb:Ìýthe analytic paper (completed in MUSC 490)
    Ìý Ìý Ìýc:Ìýa draft of the recital program notes, ready to print, which will include the title page; complete titles of all repertoire, movements or sections as appropriate; names of all performers; program notes for all compositions, and texts in English for all vocal works, including the original language where relevant.
  4. Composition Jury:A student presenting a senior composition recital must participate in a recital jury at least four weeks prior to the recital date. A committee comprised of at least two Music department faculty members, including the student’s composition teacher and another faculty member outside of the composition area, will hold the jury. At least five days prior to the jury, the student upload a complete portfolio, consisting of all scores intended for the recital, the analytic paper (completed in MUSC 490), and a draft of the recital program notes, which will include:
    Ìý Ìý Ìýa:Ìýthe title page
    Ìý Ìý Ìýb:Ìýcomplete titles of all repertoire
    Ìý Ìý Ìýc:Ìýmovements or sections as appropriate
    Ìý Ìý Ìýd:Ìýnames of all performers
    Ìý Ìý Ìýe:Ìýprogram notes for all compositions
    Ìý Ìý Ìýf:Ìýprepared in MUSC 490
    Ìý Ìý Ìýg:Ìýand texts in English for all vocal works, including the original language where relevant (see below for templates).Ìý

    Composers should have finalized the performers (including student, faculty, and professionals), rehearsal schedule, and room bookings by one week prior to their jury date. Room bookings must be made through the Department Services Coordinator.

    At the jury, the student will meet with the committee for a thorough evaluation of the portfolio. The final decision regarding compositions to be included in the recital will be made at the jury. If the portfolio does not demonstrate adequate evidence of achievement, and/or the recruitment of personnel to perform in the recital has not been completed satisfactorily, the student will be asked to take an exam in lieu of the recital.

    The composition portfolio and preparation is worth 70%, the comps paper 20%, and the program notes 10%. Notwithstanding your comps paper counting for only 20% of your overall comps assessment, you must receive a PD or P on your comps paper in order to receive a PD or P as your final comps grade. In other words, you cannot pass your comps with a failing comps paper. Note, the junior recital does not factor in the comps grade. Passing it is a prerequisite to giving a senior recital.
  5. Program Notes:ÌýThe student shall submit their recital program notes to the Music department Production Manager no less than two weeks before the recital date. The Production Manager will then layout and make copies of the program notes for the student's recital.The Music Department will print 50 copies of your program for each recital.
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Booth Hall