• Review OCR Finding and Resolution Agreement
  • Campus Climate Surveys
  • Year's Goals

I.      Call to order

Ruth Jones called to order the meeting of the Campus Committee on Sexual Responsibility & Misconduct (CCSRM) at 3:00PM on September 12, 2016 in Berkus 243B.

II.      Members Attending

The following individuals were present:

Ruth Jones, Jordan Brown, Vivian Garay Santiago, Jacob Alden Sargent, Sara Semal, Lani Cupo, Tony Romero, Katelyn Fink, Marianne Frapwell, Elizabeth Wu

III.      Administrative Matters

A. Committee Member Name & Pronoun Introductions

B. Access to Google drive

C. Review Committee Ground Rules

´ÇÌýÌý Participate to the fullest of your ability - community growth depends on the inclusion of every individual voice.

´ÇÌýÌý Ask for clarification if you are confused. 

´ÇÌýÌý Do not be afraid to respectfully challenge one another by asking questions, but refrain from personal attacks - focus on ideas.

´ÇÌýÌý Use your best judgment in word choices and refrain from using derogatory words or names.

´ÇÌýÌý If you are offended by anything said during discussion, please acknowledge it in the group or let Ruth know afterward.

IV.      Review OCR Findings & Resolution Agreement

On June 9, the OCR announced that it had closed its investigation and determined that Occidental did not violate Title IX, the federal gender equity law governing educational institutions. The OCR did find that three cases in 2012-13 took too long to resolve, but concluded that the case delays did not result in an inequitable response and did not create a hostile environment.

A brief overview of the OCR Resolution & Agreement was discussed and a reminder was shared for the Town Hall on September 12, 2016. The next steps the Title IX Office will take in response to OCR’s recommendations are creating the faculty/staff sexual assault campus climate survey and creation of anti-retaliation workshops and materials for faculty/staff.

Applicable links:

·         /sexual-respect-title-ix/ocr-report

·         /sites/default/files/assets/title_IX/Â鶹ÊÓƵResolutionAgreement.PDF

V.      Campus Climate Surveys

A. Student Survey

This year, the Title IX Office will administer the same HEDS survey we administered last year. OCR has required us to administer this survey in November 2016, so due to time constraints, we will be unable to create and add Â鶹ÊÓƵ-specific questions to the survey this Fall. As such, the committee this academic year will focus on creating Â鶹ÊÓƵ-specific questions for the administration of the student survey for Fall 2017.

B. Staff/Faculty Survey

A specific requirement detailed in the OCR Resolution Agreement was for the Title IX Office to administer an annual sexual assault climate survey for staff/faculty, in addition to the student survey we already administer. After conducting research, it was discovered that there is no formal staff/faculty survey currently available for institutions. Because of this, the Title IX Office has been collaborating with Institutional Research and a small working group of faculty to develop a survey. A draft of this will be shared with the committee soon. 

Applicable links:

·         Â鶹ÊÓƵ Campus Climate Sexual Assault Survey presentation from September 2015:

´ÇÌýÌý /sites/default/files/assets/HEDS%20Campus%20Climate%20Sexual%20Assault%20Survey%20Results_Comparative_Sept%202015_7_0.pdf

·         2015–2016 HEDS Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey


·         2017 HEDS Sexual Assault Climate Survey


·         Additionally, faculty/staff survey. Unlike HEDS, worked with faculty and research to develop a beginner survey. Review the draft faculty/staff survey –post tomorrow and request feedback by Monday.

·         Staff survey would – want to know if people understand the definitions of sexual harassment – and understand their reporting responsibilities – (post section from OCR Resolution Agreement). Asking at least a few questions from staff/faculty on their harassment within their offices and in their departments. (add comments to the document – so google doc)

VI. Discussion of other items on this year’s committee agenda

A. Policy Revisions

Potential minor revisions to the policy will be discussed (most likely during the Spring semester) after the committee reviews responses from the student and staff/faculty climate surveys.

B. Climate Survey Results

The committee will review the responses from both the staff and faculty/staff climate surveys to determine what changes should be recommended or implemented to the Title IX Office or other departments on campus.

C. Prevention Education/Training

Equally as important as prevention education/training on campus is ensuring comprehension and behavioral changes to end sexual violence within our community. As a committee we will research what other institutions are doing to address the comprehension/behavior piece, and we will also discuss how we as a community can help shift the culture on campus, from addressing the underlying conditions/structures that lead to sexual violence here. We will also discuss the potential of requiring prevention education programming for all years, and not just first year students as is currently the mandate.

D. Reporting

The committee & Title IX Office will continue to think strategically about how to share messaging with students, and in particular, making the reporting process more known (how to report, where to report, support/resource options, confidential vs. non-confidential resources, etc.).

E. Supporting Survivors

The committee will further discuss how we as a community can learn how to support survivors, regardless of whether or not they file a formal complainant, and especially if their perpetrator remains on campus. We will work on addressing ways to help ensure survivors feel safe on campus, are aware of interim measures, and do not feel isolated. This not only involves a collaborative approach of supporting the survivor, but also with educating our entire community on what it means to support a survivor and provide safety on campus. We need everyone to reflect on their role in the community and ask, what are the conditions that promote rape culture on campus? What can we do to change those?

F. Gender Inclusive Initiatives

The Gender Inclusive Restroom & Facilities policy will soon be announced.

Contact the Civil Rights & Title IX Office
AGC Administrative Center

 First Floor, Room 111