Headshot of Clara Keane

Clara Keane '21 will be conducting research, analysis, and public outreach in support of judicial committees for community outreach, jury selection, and the elimination of bias and improvement of access in the court process.

Why did you choose to apply for this award?

I am interested in finding innovative ways to reduce incarceration and protect peoples' rights under the law. I am also hoping to attend law school in the future and am hoping to learn more about how court administration impacts individuals' experiences as they move through the criminal justice process.

Briefly describe the work you will be doing on your fellowship.

I will be conducting research, analysis, and public outreach in support of judicial committees for community outreach, jury selection and the elimination of bias and improvement of access in the court process. I'll also help develop and implement language access initiatives, write and implement grants, develop and implement juror programs.

What advice would you give future applicants about the application process?

Do your research and speak with as many people who are familiar with the program you're applying to as possible!

Contact National & International Fellowships
Hameetman Career Center

AGC First Floor
1600 Campus Road M-12
Los Angeles, CA 90041