
Poster for Abrego lecture

April 9, 7 pm
Fowler 202

The Latina/o and Latin American Studies Speaker Series presents a lecture by Leisy Abrego, Associate Professor of Chicana/o Studies at UCLA.

Dr. Leisy J. Abrego is a professor of Chicana/o Studies at UCLA. Born in El Salvador, she was part of the first large wave of Salvadoran immigrants who came to Los Angeles in the 1980s. She studies Central American migration, U.S. intervention in Central America, Latinx families, and the production of “illegality” in U.S. immigration laws. Her award-winning book, Sacrificing Families: Navigating Laws, Labor, and Love Across Borders, examines how the well-being of Salvadoran immigrants and their families is shaped by immigration policies and gendered expectations. Dr. Abrego is also a community activist who supports refugees and immigrants by writing pro-bono advocacy declarations in asylum cases. 

The LLAS Speaker Series is generously supported by the Marie Young Speaker Fund

Contact Latino/a & Latin American Studies
Swan Hall 236